Friday 26 December 2014

Thursday 25 December 2014

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Health Tip of the day ...How to reduce Eye Burns, Strains and Other problems ?

Dip a pad of cotton wool in rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor Oil is Mixed. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Eye burns,strains and other problems will be reduced.

Saturday 20 December 2014

How to score good marks in exams ?

It is not important that HOW you have scored marks in exams but rather it is important HOW MUCH you have scored. So here are some tips from my side -

 ##      If you think that for the whole year or semester you have not prepared well then go through
           these steps -

** At first collect the over-all syllabus of the Subject. (It will be better to print it on hard copy rather
     having it in you phone or PC.)
** Then select which topics you already know little bit or you can score marks on which particular            topics.
** Now prepare those topics precisely and solve some important questions of those topics so that
     you will not miss the question from those topics.
** Now the turn comes for the rest of the syllabus (ONE THING you have to be clear in your mind
     that if you want to score good marks you must have to cover the whole syllabus. )
** Now start writing the remaining topics on paper . What happens is that when we write
     something, our mind remembers those things more than by only reading it.
** Try to open your mind as much as you can during writing.

 ##      If you think that for the whole year or semester you have prepared well then go through
           these steps -
** What happens when we prepared well  for the whole year, It feels that we know the whole
     syllabus and we lag down during the last days. Please do not keep calm if you have a good
     hold on the subject. It will be a good chance for you to score good grades in the subject.
** At the last days do not waste much time in revising things which you already know nicely
     Instead save time in those topics and finish those as fast as you can.
** After revising the whole syllabus do not forget to solve some questions Either from the end of the
     Chapters or from the previous years questions.

These mantras will definitely help you for the preparation of your exams.

Thank You.  

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