Sunday, 5 April 2015

Downloading And Installing Android Studio...

We have already covered the details about the Android Studio in the previous post, don't worry if you missed that click here if you want to have a look.

One thing I want to share with you that this IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) is designed specially for the development of android apps. One can use it on operating Systems like WINDOWS, MAC OS and LINUX.The minimum required RAM for installing this IDE is 2GB but 4GB of RAM is Recommended by Google.You must have atleast 500 MB of free disk space in your computer to install it.

How To Download And Install

The installation of this IDE is demonstrated step by step in the official website of it.
So please refer here .
In case you have any problem or query comment in box below.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Lets Start with c++...

Lets Start with c++...

C++ coding is done on IDE- Integrated Development Environment. It is a software application that provides a platform to run ,compile and execute High Level Programming language.

For C++ the IDEs are Dev C++ (recommended), Turbo C++, Borland C++ etc.
Every IDE has compilers which compile the written codes and check the errors and verifies whether the codes are following the correct logic, syntax etc which are required to run and execute the program successfully.

Below are the following formats that are required to follow to make the programs(coding) syntaxtically.

1. Header file declaration

Header files are the pre-compiled or pre-coded files with correct logic and syntax that includes in-built functions, class, structure etc. , which may directly or indirectly can be used in the program to avoid the program coding from being lengthy and hence make the execution time fast.
These files are stored in lib folder (library folder) of your respective IDE.

Header files comes with the extension ".h"(dot H).

For eg;
 if XYZ is a header file then it comes with "XYZ.h".

Syntax to be used in program to use header file:


#include-(hash include) This is called pre-processor directives which means that these are the codings which are already been compiled and processed by the IDE compiler.

#- It is used as linking and loading the header files i.e, it act as a interface between the library file and programming.

include- This includes all the in-built functions, class and structures which are packed in the header file closed in < ......>.

Mostly used header files in C++:


Next Blog in-built functions and uses of the above header files.

Concepts Of C++ ...

Later, we discussed about the features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). In this chapter, we are going to learn about the concepts that can be implemented by this paradigm, not in detail but a mild touch. We will be doing this in detail in the upcoming blog.


1. Class and objects
2. Data Abstraction
3. Encapsulation and Data binding
4. Data Hiding
5. Polymorphism and overloading
6. Inheritance and reuse-ability
7. Dynamic binding
8. Message passing

These concepts of OOP enable us to modify, give security and new mode of programming to our program.

These concepts we are going to deal, when we will be handling with "class".

Till then do remember these features and concepts.

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