Tuesday 24 March 2015

Why C++ Programming ?

As the word defines itself "C + +" ,i.e "C Plus Plus" , quite similar like increment operator(++) in C, which means a step ahead of C language. This gives a whole picture that C++ includes all the features of C but along with it, it is a step ahead with new features.

As a whole we can say, C is the Subset of C++ ; where as C++ is the superset;

The main feature of C++ that makes it differ from C is that it comes with Object Oriented  Programming (OOP) paradigm where as C is a POP (Procedural Oriented Programming) or FOP (Function Oriented Programming).

OOP is a programming paradigm that enables to modularize the program by creating the memories for both data and functions that can be bind into one single unit and can used as templates and enables us to create such copies on demand.

OOP features;-

1.Follows bottom up approach.
2.More priority to data rather than procedure or algorithms.
3.Hide and give security to data from external user.
4.Data can only be fetched or access by what is known as methods or functions.
5.Program is divided into what is known as objects. 
6.Functions may communicate with each other through objects.

POP is a programming paradigm that gives more priority to procedure or algorithms.

POP features:-

1.Follows top-down approach.
2.More priority to procedures and algorithms.
3.No security and data can be accessed by outside programmer.
4.Program is divided into functions.
5.Functions may communicate through functions.

So, from the above  knowledge, we can conclude that C++ gives the flexibility to the users to use the language either POP or OOP .


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